Tuesday, July 29, 2014

All Creatures Great and Small

A week and a half ago I was driving from my Cowboy Parish to my favorite grocery store, taking the backgrounds that aren't quite the end of civilization (but you can see it from there) and blaring the radio loudly. I was coming from a morning service with the "cowboys" and was about as happy as I could be after getting out of a morning Church service.  I was quite the happiest Gabbie that there ever was. And then I looked over and saw someone riding shotgun.
I am not afraid of creatures. In fact, I am quite fond of bugs, lizards, snakes, frogs, etc. Basically anything that crawls I enjoy. I tell you this because I want you to understand my reaction when I say that when I saw this spider riding shotgun with a full blown circle web (that had not been there before Church) and I shrieked, it was not a little thing.
I fairly drove off the road, pulling over in a hay field and hopping out of the car, grateful that I was wearing boots, and racing over to the other side where I furiously destroyed the web with my bulletin and shooed that magnificent spider out of my car.  The spider was easily the size of a golf ball including legs and moved about as fast as one. In a moment he was gone (and still among the living) and I was... on edge.
Half a week later, my friend, Lauren-my-Lauren was riding along with me and out crawled another spider (who bore a striking resemblance to my other spider). I was (once again) driving and I shrieked. Lauren-my-Lauren looked from my eyes to the spider (who was practically in her lap), lifted her booted foot, and stomped on his brains until they gushed out the sides. I like her.
Then, this morning, I was parked and I realized there was a not small cricket hopping around on my dashboard. I pulled over to the side to let him out and when he was gone I continued on. Then I felt something in my hair and realized he had just been hiding and I fairly lost it while driving again. I swear, I don't have a messy car, but I do have a bad habit of leaving my car doors open far longer than necessary. Either which way, I think I'm going to vacuum my car when I get home, and make sure no more creatures crawl out of the woodwork.

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