Sunday, October 27, 2013

Adventures in ESL Class: History lessons and humility lessons

My students didn't know what they were walking into today.  Of course, every time that I lead my English as a Second Language Class, my students have an unusual day.  The lesson was the usual reading and understanding, but today it was about history- American history.  

I love history.  Once upon a time I majored in history.  I still love to talk and talk and TALK about history. Then God gave me a captive audience of around ten people, stuck in a classroom with me, and fifteen pages of a lesson on major points in the United States in the last hundred years.  *cue the malicious laugh*

Unfortunately, my laughter was short lived as I was reminded that although they were all familiar with the major events we were covering, not one of them was familiar with the proper pronunciation of the words. Factor into the situation that my students had also planned and impromptu Halloween party at the end of class and suddenly the Gabbie Lady had a group of adults (many of whom had grandchildren older than me), tired from the repetition of subject matter, frustrated by the new pronunciation, and salivating from the smell of all the delicious food that they had brought.  

Nonetheless, I trudged through the lesson, because if I showed enough enthusiasm maybe it would rub off? (This is usually how my lessons go and this theory usually pays off.) Finally, I was writing vocabulary on the board when I hear one of my students turn to her neighbor and whisper, "I don't like American history."  

And that is why I don't teach history anymore.  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lost in Austin

I feel like I write this post once every season and then never publish it, so here's hoping I do this time.  Yesterday I drove into Austin.  I do this a couple times a month because it's not THAT far but it does feel like driving into LA and I would just as soon not relive that period of my life.  I hate driving in traffic.  

Anyways, yesterday's trip was a short quest to buy local honey in bulk.  Every other year I drive down and buy a gallon or two at around 35 bucks a pop from Good Flow Honey- which really isn't bad.  And given that it's honey, it's really quite good.  

Thanks to my trusty GPS (Gabbie is not Pleased... Seriously) I found the place with limited scenic routes and in an unprecedented half hour.  A quick trip in and two minutes later I walked out with two gallons of honey, still warm, and smelling DELICIOUS!  At least my car doesn't smell like dog food anymore.  Then I was headed home.

I was pondering on the joy of my GPS (a present from my favorite uncle and my godmother) when I got lost in thought on the name of my GPS.  I used to call him Jason (after the Red Power Ranger) but on a recent trip my old college roommates dubbed her "Jazzy" and the name has stuck.  I decided that since I had gotten myself there I could get myself back and therefore didn't need to use the GPS.  Big mistake. 

It was not long after I got lost in thought that I got physically lost in Austin.  Never was there a more convoluted, badly named, intertwining, and never unwinding group of roads.  Gabbie was not pleased. 

After wandering around in figure eights for forty-five minutes I gave up, pulled over to the side of the road, popped a pop, turned Jazzy back on, and had a long conversation with God on my hour ride home.  And it wasn't that bad. 

It wasn't until I managed to get home that I realized, if I hadn't gotten lost and gone in circles, I wouldn't have spent an hour talking to God.  Sure, I started out complaining about Texas roads and Texas drivers, but then I was laughing and smiling and enjoying the morning, cause after all, my car smelled like honey.  Maybe God puts us in situations that we have to turn to Him in order to remind us that we CAN turn to Him?  Maybe this is His way of bringing us closer to Him?  Maybe everything does happen for a reason, and the reason is Him?  Or maybe I just got lost in Austin?  Yeah, sure, maybe.  But not likely.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Letters to God

Dear God,
Today was a bad day. Bennie wouldn't start, Alloysius wouldn't start, my phone turned off, my txtag account locked me out, and then Bennie wouldn't work again; did You have to send that flying cockroach? And did You have to make me slip on it when I stomped on it?
Sincerely, Gabrielle

Friday, October 11, 2013

Rejoice in the Lord Always

Lately I've been thinking a lot about joy.

Last night I was blessed to be able to attend Mass with the Legion of Mary of the Diocese of Austin.  This Mass might be in my top five favorite Masses ever- the music was great, the homily was short (and bilingual), the readings were relevant, and every thing was about Mary.  Mary has been a big part of my life but the most important thing I have learned from Mary was to be joyful in the Lord.  You always hear about Mary being joyful... except during the Crucifixion of Christ.  

King David showed his joy by dancing before the Lord.  Saint Cecilia showed her joy by singing.  My best friend shows her joy by dancing and my other best friend shows her joy by making cheesy jokes.  My youngest goddaughter shows her joy by smiling her less than toothy grin while trying to hand me a lizard I didn't know she was carrying.  Joy has so many different faces, but the one similarity I have found is that true joy comes with love of God.  

That is why I think I have a new life goal- to make myself as small as possible so that the Holy Spirit can shine through me and be God's joy in the world.  

And that is Gabbie's thought for the week.