Friday, August 20, 2010

Funny things said that are hilarious out of context and even more so within context

"They can eat whatever they want as long as it is grapes."

"We're waiting on Jonathan's pants... they're upstairs."

"Stop oggling other peoples babies."

"Could you please check on Joel for me.... I think I scared him."

"What does that mean?" "It means I get to call the *frumpgrumblegrumblegrrrrr* phone company."

"Well at least I'm not the only one who's computer isn't working today!!!!"

"I meant to give you my number earlier but my phone went on sabatical."

"You can't choose that movie- it starts Ben Affleck, therefore it will have no story line. I mean he's cute but how far will that get cha?"

"You need more excitement in your mornings- I recomend goldfish... doing an impression of a killer whale."

And now for CONTEXT...

Susan to her kids about her other kids...

Mary while waiting for Jonathan who couldn't find his pants and was running around the house... while wearing other pants

Me to Susan who was getting all sappy about a particularly cute baby and being unproductive because of it... totally calling the kettle black here

My MOTHER who barely knows my friend Joel... from school... and he's not even in the same time zone as EITHER of us right now.

One of the nice, well meaning customers I talked with today. The second part was by me... apparently I'm funny when things stop working.

My coworker after Sprint's computers were not working either (after our computer wouldn't work either), thus causing a contract that normally takes 6-15 minutes to take an hour.

Me to a friend... context not so funny on this one

One of my customers... who was 6'9"... I asked... to his thirteen-year-old son who was easily eight inches taller than me.

Trying to convince one of my friends that he shouldn't sleep in till noon.

Stay tuned for more random quotes in the life of Gabbie