Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I know what you're going to say.  It's been 22 days Gabbie- New Year's has long since come and gone- most people have already given up their Resolutions and returned to their old ways- in short, Gabbie darling, you've missed your chance.  However that is not entirely true.  I could argue that the "New Year"
could also apply to the Chinese New Year (which is tomorrow- year of the dragon) or the Liturgical New Year which isn't until Easter, but either way the point is moot.

This is largely because I made my resolutions weeks ago.  I'm really only writing about it today because of the 24 point list (one for every year that you've been blessed to have me among the living with a window seat) I have been unsuccessful in marking ANYTHING off my list... that is, until now.  I'll let y'all know about them as I conquer them... or maybe I won't tell you anything.  I digress, as of today I can mark number 12 off my list- make a new friend.  Now there are only 23 to go...

1 comment:

  1. I thought liturgical new year was at the beginning of advent...
