Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year's Resolution for 2012

So these are my 2012 New Year's Resolutions.  I know... I'm a little behind.  I accidentally published them LAST January but I thought it would be fun to share with you my progress.  

1.) Make a crowd do something.
Yes, but does it count if the "crowd" was my family?  Just kidding.  I got a crowd of guys to dance with me on my birthday.  It was very amusing.

2.) Talk to a complete stranger that I find attractive.
Yes, Penney made me do it.  It really is amazing how many of these resolutions were checked off because of the Fed. 

3.) Go out on a date.
Depends- I got set up something like five times, so... 
Actually, I did go out on a date.  A couple even.  With my Daddy, with my goddaughter, and with my sanity.  I think that last one was my favorite.   

4.) Make someone laugh without the use of potty humor, self deprecation, brothers, or smalls.
Yes, I stopped talking for a week altogether and it cracked Fr. Paul up, and anyone within the vicinity every time. 

5.) Get a job that I don't hate after three months.
For the most part I managed this.  Of course I had to go through three months of five different job offers first. Discerning is hard. 

6.) Keep a plant alive for more than a year.
Barely, my bamboo.  It's alive.  So is my orchid.  The bamboo still looks pretty.  The orchid has not behaved since I brought him home.

7.) Write more than ten blog posts in a month.
Ha! No.  If anything my blog post count has gotten worse over the course of 2012.

8.) Keep all my Lenten sacrifices. 
Yes, I did.  Do I remember what they are... not really.

9.)  Clean Bennie out at least once a month.  
Yeah... ummmm.... no, but I did clean Bennie out. 

10.) Visit my parents at least twice.
I visited them once!  To be fair, it was for three weeks, so that should count for more.  My Mother and my brother came to visit me once too!

11.)  Forgive everyone who has wronged me and forget about how they did so.
This was a year of forgiving.  Unfortunately it was also a year of asking for forgiveness.
12.)  Make a new friend.  
Yuppers.  I would even warrant that I made a few... and lost a few.  It was a long year. 

13.)  Go to confession at least three times. 
The worst part is, I'm not sure that I managed this.  I didn't keep track.  I think that I did, but I'm not certain.  

14.)  Celebrate Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation (including Easter and Christmas), without having to run out of Church. 
Well , I almost did.  Thanks to my favorite Fr. Matt, I got to go to ALL of the Easter Triduum.  That being said I missed three Marian Feast Days- I was sick in bed for Mary, Mother of God, I was traveling in May and I didn't get there early enough to talk to the Sacristan (but I got to go to Mass in Roswell- of course it was by sitting by the side door), and in early December Karina turned off my alarm clock so I missed the early Mass.  On Christmas I got to Mass late and didn't get a chance to alert the sacristan, but I did get to stand outside and listen to the homily.  Unfortunately I got really cold and sick.  

15.)  Be a good example and live by all the standards I have.
This is a hard one.  I don't know if I have been a good example.  I got my first speeding ticket.  I was pulled over twice (once for a broken tail light). I blew up at a friend for being a closet racist.  I don't know if I've been a good example... but I got a new godchild. 

16.)  Get my blog counter up to 2400 before my 24th birthday. 
Just barely, but I did it.  Current count... I'm not sure.  I think it is better when I don't look. 

17.)  Write at least one blog post about each of my immediate family.
Hehe, yeah, um no.  
18.)  Write a blog post about funny things that happened every year of my life.
See #17 for that answer.
19.)  Have a resolution for every year of my life (i.e. 24 at the end of January).
Yippers.  Okay, that wasn't so hard.

20.)  Find someone to keep my hands warm. 
Yeah, this one totally didn't work.  I tried a couple times... but it really just made my head hot... not my hands.

21.)  Not argue with Jip about frivolous things.
This was largely due to the fact that I haven't really seen him. 

22.)  Smile more and put a smile on someone else's face every day.
I have succeeded at this regularly.  I make people laugh ALL the time at work.

23.)  Finish writing a book.  
Ummm, yeah, no.  

24.)  Finish reading a book.
Ummm... I did.  I'd rather not admit which book it was.  Just kidding.  I finally finished Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist.  It was rather good... I'm never going to read it again.  
*Get your mind out of the gutter.

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