Monday, March 17, 2014

Waiting on an Angel

I've mentioned before how I think my Guardian Angel drives a white pickup truck.  Today I was reminded of this.  On my usual (hour long) commute home at my temporary job, I am not always the nicest of people.  Growing up in California and living in Texas has taught me all the common bad habits of drivers in both states.  I can merge like a California, speed like a Texan, and forget where I'm going like only a child of my could.  Today was my thoughts were... somewhere else.

They might have been on my grandparents who I imagine are having a rough day, or on the friend I was waiting to call me back.  They may have been on Bennie (my car) that needs to have it's a/c replaced. They might even have been on the mystery novel that I finished this afternoon.  I can say with certainty that my thoughts were NOT on the road. 

Under normal circumstances this would be a post about how I nearly had an accident and God intervened, but it's not.  I was merging carefully. I was driving well under the speed limit. And when I was going anywhere I left more than sufficient space between me and the car in front of me.  For the most part I was in stop and go traffic while I passed through downtown Austin which is not so unusual.  When traffic sped I sped, when traffic slowed I slowed; then I heard screeching. 

I barely had time to look in my rear view mirror to see a white pickup slamming on its brakes and screeching, stopping far too close for comfort from my Bennie.  I could see the driver's expression as he looked at me with wide eyes.  I admit my eyes were wide as well as I returned my attention to the traffic that had just begun moving again in front of me.  I kept a careful eye on the pickup the rest of the way home even though my thoughts were suddenly on God and getting home safely.  It's funny- he stayed behind me most of the way back to Round Rock and for some strange reason this reassured me.  

Hours later,  I'm home safe but I'm still thinking about him.  I don't know who was driving that truck and I can't be certain that anything really dangerous took place today.  I don't know a lot of things, but I know that my Guardian Angel was in that truck when he helped that driver stop in time.

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