1) Any muffins I feed you will be whatever flavor you want them to be by virtue of them being Gabbie muffins being served by Gabbie. If you ask me if they are plum muffins and I ask if you like plums and you answer "yes", then they will magically be plum muffins. The same will be applied to cookies, cakes, cereals, sandwiches, etc.
2) Magic stuffed animals will be distributed at bedtime, nap time, and playtime as required. Magic stuffed animals (which can only be magic when the Gabbie Lady says so) can be used to cure a) bad dreams, b) the inability to sleep, c) illness of any variety from tummy aches to ant bites, d) and fear. If you try to switch your magic animal or fight for one of the other magic animals the magic is lost. It is crucial that you believe the stuffed animal will work or, again, the magic is invalidated.
3) Anything you do- whether it is reasonable or unreasonable- can and will be stopped with the line, "I don't want to go to the Emergency Room today- knock it off." I don't care if you thought it was a good idea- if you utter the phrase, "Hey Gabbie! Watch this!" I will take you down.

5) Gabbie's are magical. I can fix anything... and I will fix anything... because I love you.
6) I have eyes in the back of my head... that can see through walls, floors, siblings, and ceilings. I WILL see you get out of bed, I WILL grab you and lovingly tuck you back in, and later you I WILL make you fold laundry.
7) I can tell when you are lying. Okay, maybe I can't but law of averages the kid that denies it most emphatically (except if his name is Jonathan), avoids eye contact, and somehow knows "who" did it that couldn't possibly be him is the guilty party.
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