A few weeks ago now an interesting thing happened in our house. For years Tia has always made the coffee but in recent months I tried to take on this role. This was largely due to the fact that Susan would be out of the house in the morning and would either make her own coffee or pick some up elsewhere. This was... catastrophic to my mornings.
I frequently tell people that I managed to make it through living in California with eight brothers, going to college with a double major, and working four jobs the first year I was in California without drinking more than a half dozen cups of coffee but living with five children made my morning dose of brown lava something of a necessity. As my youngest goddaughter likes to tell people, "Gabbie is a much nicer person once she's had coffee." Have I mentioned how adorable she can be?
Anyways, shortly after I started making the coffee, after I stopped making mistakes and actually got it out of the carafe in a timely fashion, after all that, I started having trouble sleeping. Not that this is really unusual. Anything from climate change to impending visitors can mess up my nocturnal habits so I really didn't think anything of it... until Tia made the coffee again.
I remember thinking, "mmmm... it doesn't matter how good I get at making the coffee, Tia always makes it better."
When I asked her why she had started making coffee again she smiled and said, "Because you didn't cut the regular beans with decaf beans." I stopped and stared, mouth agape. "Have you been having trouble sleeping?" she asked with a cheeky grin. I blinked and then said, "This explains so much!" Clearly, no matter how old I get, I will always need someone to check up on me.
Stupid coffee.
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