A current country song on the radio exudes the unfortunate plight of a young man in love who’s girlfriend has left him. He asks her to talk to the friends he left behind and tell them lots and lots of lies to hide the fact that he is not over her- in fact he begs her “tell them anything you want to just don’t tell them the truth.”
In Lois Lowry's book, The Giver the first instructions the Giver gives to Jonas is that he may lie to protect the truth of what they were doing.
The first sin ever committed was disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Immediately following that Adam and Eve made their sin worse by lying about their disobedience.
It seems to me that lying is being more and more accepted, but I think that I may lose my mind if I don't speak out.
I recently found out that I was lied to by someone I care very deeply for. I won’t tell you the details or the situation but let me explain that I am having… difficulty moving past that falsehood. I suppose it shouldn’t matter and I’m sure that in a year I will have forgotten about what happened did, except if I reread this post, but for now I'm just angry. Angry enough that I am having trouble being around her. Angry enough that I don't want to be nice to her. Angry enough that it might have changed our relationship.
Avoiding the truth is a voluntary act of disrespect to someone. Speaking the truth, even when it is hard and possibly embarrassing, is a greater sign of respect. I may be annoyed with you for making a mistake or for correcting me, but I reserve anger for big things, i.e. outright lying.
We have been blessed with the gift of language. It is what makes us human. From this gift we have created the talent of lying. This seems to me akin to receiving a beautiful piece of art and then mangling it beyond comprehension and burning it. You get something beautiful and you ruin it. I realize that not everyone grew up where I did and so the truth is not nearly so dear to others, but still, it is important.
What I really, really want out of people- my friends, my family, and anyone I interact with- is I want you to tell me the truth- even if it hurts- especially if it hurts.
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