I was in a wedding over Memorial Day weekend. It was oodles of fun but the best part was the Best Man's Speech. For the record, if I ever get married, this is what I want the best man speech to be based upon. (Names changed btw).
KP and Koshka,
are all here, celebrating with you on this next step of your life
together .... bleh, those speeches are so bland. And that is so not you
two. Therefore, let’s move on to the important but subtle message that
you have sent to us today. And that is that you scheduled your wedding
on the International Holiday known the world over as Geek Pride Day.
I understand that mother church *and mothers in general* frown on using
Star Trek uniforms in weddings, and I do understand that. But I was
able to tie in your nuptials with this great holiday by requesting
knowledge from some of the greats of the geek genres to guide you on the
path of a successful marriage.
off, Mr. Arthur Dent wishes to convey his happiness to you and reminds
you that while there is a “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, there is
no “Hitchhiker's Guide to Marriage”. If there were, it would be
20,000 pages long, everyone would insist they had read it when they had
done nothing more than read the back page, and it would be filled with
far too many references to the Brady Bunch to be helpful. It would,
however, have the best advice to offer married couples, written right on
the cover in bright red friendly letters, stating simply “DON’T PANIC!”.
Arthur also send along a matching set of towels.

got a message from a rather fashionable fellow a few minutes before the
ceremony. “Hello”, he said, ”Passing through and wanted to extend all
my best to the lovely couple.” I did not recognize him, so I asked for
his name. He replied “The Doctor” as he adjusted his bow tie. “Anyways,
please let the bride and groom know I am thinking about them, and to
remind them that marriage is like planning to travel across the
universe. There’s a lot of things you need, you see. Warp drive…
wormhole refractors… But the thing you need most of all is a hand to
hold.” He said he’d leave “something blue” for you in the future ... if
he remembers.
got some message here from someone from Fruit’s Basket, but it was in
Japanese. When I used Google to translate the message, it just looked like
they were shouting random words! This is why I don’t read manga...
have a note here, from a Mr. Bilbo Baggins, Esquire. It reads,
“Greetings and congratulations on your wedding festivities! Truly, the
road will go ever on and on for you! Be sure to have a good breakfast
every morning, for you never know what adventure might lay outside your
door!” He sends along a tea service for 15.
Harry Potter extends his heartfelt congratulations to the both of you, and
reminds you that a parents’ love for each other is only exceeded by
their love for their children. In lieu of a gift, Mr. Potter’s expecting
to send an owl to your household in about 11 years.
Ben Parker wanted to remind you that with “great power comes great
responsibility”. He doesn’t expect you to develop any amazing “new found
powers” (or as Sal would call it, N.F.P.) excepting for Kat’s
supernatural ability to fit into our family so well, and KP’s ability
to master so many musical instruments. And yet the grace that you
receive through this sacrament should be a source of power for both of
you in the years to come.
we have the indispensable wisdom of Captain Malcolm Reynolds, who sent
along two brown coats. He also wishes to remind you that your
marriage will be like a ship sailing among the stars, and the thing that
keeps the ship afloat is love. “Love is indispensable. You can learn all
the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air without love,
she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds. Love
keeps you in the air when you oughta fall down, tells you there’s a hurt
'fore it keens. It’ll make you two a home.”
KP and Koshka, may the ship of your marriage be a place of joy and love for you, your family and friends for years to come. May God bless you always!
That was enjoyable. :)