B is for Boba Fett's blaster
C is for Chewbacca all ready for disaster
D is for the Death Star
E is for Ewok
F is for fight where a lot of guys get beat up
G is for Gungans
H is for Han Solo
I is for Imperial Royal guard
J is for Jedi and K was really hard
We settled on Kenobi, saying "You must use the force"
L is for Luke and Leia, who sometimes act like dorks
M is for Mara Jade (who all the real geeks know)
N is for Naboo where Queen Amidala's from
O is for Owen Lars who is the brother of Luke's dad
P is for Palpatine who is really, really bad
Q is for Quigon Jin
R is for Rebel spy
S is for Star Wars, cause I'm that kind of guy
T is Taun-Tauns who smell better when they're dead
U is for Ugnaught, an alien race who spend life with the clouds around their head (cause they're from Cloud City)
V is for Vader the one with the red light saber
W is for Wicket or favorite Ewok leader
X is X-wing
Y is for Yoda- Judge me by my size and you'll end up just like Boba
Z is for Zardra the forgotten bounty hunter
Which brings us to the end, stick around and next time we'll do Star Wars fashioned numbers.
Thank you for your time and we hope you are impressed. Listen to the force and you'll always do your best.
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