100 things that made me happy today
1) YEAH!!!! The alarm clock WORKED this morning
2) Snooze button
3) Warm cozy blankets
4) The sunshine coming in my window
5) Comfy jams
6) Getting out of bed
7) Clean teeth
8) Small people still being asleep
9) The beautiful green trees right outside my window
10) A comfy denim skirt that is neither grungy nor frumpy
11) A snarky t-shirt
12) Shiny new earrings (thank you Brittany and Matt)
13) Knowing somewhere in the world Sasha and Brittany have similar earrings
14) A warm Irish sweater that once belonged to Pop and now keeps me warm most days
15) Not having to go out in before stated sweater as it hangs down to my knees and is not very fashionable. That and it matches NOTHING in my wardrobe
16) It being too early to care about either of these fine qualities of my Irish sweater
17) The five beautiful children, sleeping noisily in their beds (can I help it if they snore?)
18) Bare feet on cool tile
19) A brown cardinal outside the window
20) The red cardinal repeatedly calling to his mate
21) The smell of coffee
22) The anticipation of coffee
23) A clean apron that fits just right
24) Clean sheets coming out of the dryer
25) Cleaning out the lint trap
26) The smell of vinegar
27) A new load in before the kids are even awake
28) Opening the children’s blinds and seeing Grisha smile at me
29) A noisy morning kiss from the baby
30) Jim cat following me around in hopeful expectation
31) The realization of being the first adult up
32) A smile from my godbaby
33) Irene doing her own hair so well that she doesn’t need (or want) my help
34) Three new little girl nightgowns thanks to their aunt
35) Managing enthusiasm for the boys new Lego Harry Potter shirts
36) Morning routines being completed without more excitement than usual
37) A baby in my lap
38) Morning prayer making sense
39) Realizing that both Susan and I chose to wear floor length denim skirts and snarky “non-one-size-fits-no-one” t-shirts for the ceremonial first day of school
40) Breakfast already being cooked
41) Stealing Tia’s leftover restaurant toast
42) COFFEE!!!!
43) Coffee syrup that isn’t mine
44) Checking facebook to see my sister’s laughter
45) Kissing Grisha when he’s not paying attention
46) Listening to Jonathan’s important questions about super soakers
47) The boys doing their morning chores without reminder
48) The girls doing their chores without complaint
49) Being relatively uninterrupted while cooking
50) An unexpected hug from Jonathan because my shirt declares that I am “Very Huggable”
51) Making dinner during the children’s breakfast
52) Finding the cooking sherry that was hiding
53) The smell of dinner cooking in the Crockpot
54) Helping a friend out without leaving the kitchen
55) Listening to the children’s morning lesson
56) Hugging Rebecca for no reason
57) Grading math papers
58) Sneaking Irene a hug
59) Listening to the baby explain that she prefers to be called “Darth Sidius, darling”
60) The baby’s new purple dragon cloak “which is not a costume”
61) Everything about the baby
62) Rebecca’s new skirt which makes her look like a lady
63) Reading someone else’s blog post about modesty and remembering that I’m not the only one out there
64) The smell of clean Irene hair
65) Listening to the smalls play with their new toys
66) Laughing with Rebecca about their antics
67) The thought of our new earth science project which should be coming this week- caterpillars which should not die of disease or starvation
68) The cat jumping into my lap to surprise me
69) Talking to Grisha
70) Playing “Now go away” with the baby which involves the baby trying to get out of my lap but never quite succeeding
71) Playing run away from the baby throughout the house
72) Searching for the baby
73) Seeing the baby run away while wearing her new cloak
74) Hiding from the baby
75) Tossing the baby over my shoulder
76) The baby asking if she can be my “little cat”
77) Resting with the baby in my lap
78) Watching Irene learn Math and different columns of numbers
79) Watching Jonathan play
80) Grisha ducking from my kisses
81) Grisha offering me his foot as a suitable alternative to me kissing his head
82) Jonathan correcting his brother that *I* am very kissable… not Grisha’s foot
83) Holding Irene while she cried
84) Yummy turkey-cheese melt
85) Sweet tea
86) Listening to the silence surrounding Tia’s reading C.S. Lewis The Horse and His Boy to the children
87) Susan’s mother’s day flowers in the window
88) A relatively clean kitchen
90) The irony of the name “quiet time”
91) Thinking of “trendy” and “modest” moms (they do exist- I promise!) and one in particular that we now know
92) Resting on the couch with no small threatening to jump on me
93) The book I am writing
94) My life being filled with music
95) My life being filled with children
96) My life being filled with laughter
97) My life being filled with love
98) Dancing when no one is watching
99) Dancing when I think no one is watching
100) Not dancing alone