Monday, July 28, 2014

My Neo Crede

I am Catholic.
I believe there is a heaven. I believe there is a hell. I believe there is a purgatory. I believe that heaven is a party and is not here on earth. I think that purgatory is standing room only and resembles a Doctor's Waiting Room- i.e. we're gonna be waiting half of forever but there is hope at the end of the tunnel. I dearly hope and pray that hell is empty.
I believe in the Sacraments. I believe in the succession of Peter and therefore the ordination of priests and the reason for the Pope. I believe that we've got it right even if the rest of the world paints us to be anti-Semitic, misogynistic, pedophiles. I am not and I don't know any Catholics that are. I believe the Church has made many mistakes but that Christ has promised us that the gates of hell would never prevail.  This means that no matter how we screw up, the Devil won't win, and He won't abandon us.
I believe in Holy Orders. I don't think of nuns as female priests. I believe that only a man can be a priest. This doesn't mean I hate women or that I'm anti-feminist. I believe that Christ laid out the role of the priest for men and I haven't questioned it since. I believe that women have important roles too. I don't think it is a woman's job to only be a mother or a homemaker or take care of men. This is not an insult to women just as it is not an insult to men. No, I haven't been brainwashed.
As a good Catholic I don't hate the Muslims, the Protestants, the Jews, or the Atheists. Along the same lines I don't hate gays, lesbians, blacks, Asians, Indians, people who refuse to learn English, people who refuse to learn anything, anyone who disagrees with me on any or all of these topics, and/or any other social or cultural group. I don't hold a deep seated hate because I come from a religion that professes love.  Moreover, I have better things to do with my time than hate anyone, and really, you should too. I love all people.
I don't think animals are humans. I love them but they are still not human.

I believe all life is sacred and should be protected. This does not mean that I am vegan but it does mean that I have and will continue to pray for the sanctity of life.
I believe that forgiveness and love are vital parts of being a Christian... and human.
I believe that being Catholic does not mean that you aren't a Christian. I believe that you don't have to be Catholic and/or Christian to be saved.

I believe in the seven  cardinal virtues and their opposing deadly sins. I believe that love can be enough to save someone if they love themselves too. I believe that an individual can change the world but that the world has to be open to change.
I believe that all people were created equal but to whom much has been given much more will be expected.
I believe that Christ may have been handed over to Pontius Pilot and the Roman Empire by the Jews but He died for MY SINS. I believe that Christ died for MY GREAT MANY SINS, because of my sins, and through HIM, I have been SAVED.

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