Dear World,
Sometimes I come across things that even *I* don't want to deal with. A week ago yesterday was one of those days. I was minding my own business and walking to my car to get my sword (ironic, I know) and saw a funny stain on the ground in the driveway. "Huh," I thought, "That's a weird place for a stain." And then it moved.
And that, dear children, is a four-foot rattle snake. For once I did what any normal, non-Texan, would do. I shrieked, I ran, and I didn't look back. I ran into the house where my second Mom saw me white as a ghost (well, whiter than I usually am). I asked her, "Did you hear me scream?" And she said she hadn't and and then asked why I screamed. I told her because there was a rattle snake in the driveway by my car.
She walked out with me and ascertained that I wasn't seeing things, and then ran for the neighbor. I stayed there and made sure Mr. Rattles didn't do the Texas two step out of there. He wasn't amused. Neither was I. Lauren my Lauren came out shortly thereafter and kept watch with me while I danced around on my own, thinking I had almost stepped on him.
A few minutes later Mom returned with a backhoe, a shovel, and a super neighbor. And that, dear children is how the four-foot, living, breathing, RATTLING snake that I thought was a stain, became, this.
My apologies for not updating the world, but it has taken me a week to not shudder when I think of Mr. Rattles. *shudder*
Anyways, as you were.
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