My second goddaughter wanted to go as Saint Kateri Tekakwitha for the All Saints Day Festival. Her mother asked me to help her get her costume together. Indian looking dress- check! Headpiece- check! Feathers- check! Lily- this is where all the trouble began.

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha was a young Algonquin/Mokawk woman who was recently proclaimed a Saint in the Roman Catholic Church. Dying a virgin she was converted by her Mother who was converted by French Missionaries. She was shunned by her Father's people because of her Christian beliefs and because of her deep love of Christ she died a virgin so as to be His spouse. She was informally known as the Lily of the Mohawks. Frequently she is pictured with a Lily.
When I went to the craft store to acquire various pieces to various costumes ranging from Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius to the Crocodile from Peter Pan I found (with some difficulty) a range of fake flowers. There were lots of flowers but no lilies. After some searching I managed to find a lily, picked out one that I liked, and brought it home.

Tia went through my stuff and we set to work finishing costumes. Several hours later she pulled out the lily and asked, "So, why did you get this?" I gawked. "It is a lily," I said, and then tried to explain, "for Saint Kateri; you know, the lily of the Mohawks." She frowned, "This is a
calla lily." "So?" I asked. "I meant an Easter Lilly," she shook her head, "not a calla lily." I tilted my head to one side as I frequently do when I am confused, "There is a difference?" "Yes, did not you know?" she said with a deadpan expression. "Apparently not," I sighed, "what should I do?" "Nothing, we will manage." Oh," I replied.
Unfortunately there was not really time to go and replace it so our "Lily of the Mohawks" had a calla lily instead of an Easter lily, thus making
this god mommy feel like even more of a schmuck. Oh well, there is always NEXT year. On the other hand, I'll never forget that there is a difference between a calla lily and an Easter lily. You may count on that.
I am not sure either of those Lilies is technically authentic, check it out: