Every one remembers the first time they go to Disneyland... well, unless you were under the age of reckoning... like me. Yesterday I had the pleasure of introducing one of my childhood memories to one of my mature, young adult friends. And it was very strange because before we passed through those enchanted gates she was 22, but afterwards she was (by my best estimate) only 5.
I will admit that it was very enjoyable to share all my favorite haunts with one of my Texans friends. We rode Star Tours three times (and finally went to Hoth and participated in one of the great Rebel vs. Alliance battles), went on Big Thunder Railroad three times, ate more sweets and popcorn than I would ever care to admit, saw a few shows and even a parade, but under pressure the most exciting moment of my trip came towards the end of the day.
I was casually sitting on Disneyland Main Street, chatting idly with Katrina about what we should get for dinner, waiting for the parade to start, when she suddenly started spazzing out. Please note that I do not use the word "spaz" lightly and I wouldn't use it at all except there was no other word for it. She looked like she was trying to say something but nothing was coming out. Her arms were motioning wildly but made no sense. Her expression was priceless but kept on fluctuating between shock, ecstasy, and jubilation. It was at this time that I began to worry that she was having a stroke or a seizure when the words "Nathan! Nathan!" escaped her lips. Nathan? Nathan who? I don't think we know any of the same Nathans. "Nathan Fillion!" She pointed to a spot in the crowd ten feet away where there was a tall man wearing dark shades, half blocked by a menagerie of security. "I just saw Nathan FILLION!" she sputtered. Oh. I looked again, wondering if there was any correlation to her stroke symptoms and seeing stripes when in a jungle? Sure enough, I was wrong, and Nathan Fillion was walking by. Hmmm... cool beans. Apparently this wasn't the desired reaction. I am now pondering the merits of looking like a fish caught on dry land and how this would better portray my thoughts, but really, it's the most magical place on earth, so why wouldn't Nathan Fillion be walking down the street?
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