"Gabbie, can I ask you something."
"Is it important?"
"Of COURSE it is!"
"Okay, what is it?"
The following are some of the important questions from my favorite eight-year-old boy.
"Gabbie, to people who don't like God, who is more important, God or the devil?"
"Gabbie, have you seen my pants?"
"Gabbie, what is more important? God or games?"
"Gabbie, who do you think was a better Jedi- Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker?"
"Gabbie, who is my favorite Star Wars character?"
"Gabbie, have you seen my flip flops?"
"Gabbie, do you like Harry Potter?"
"Gabbie, do you think Lord Voldemort will go to heaven?"
"Gabbie, do you want to be a Jedi?"
"Gabbie, do you judge Yoda by his size?"
"Gabbie, where did you put Grisha's pajamas after you put them in our room?"
"Gabbie, who is your favorite saint?"... "Why?"
"Gabbie, have you seen your flip flops?"
"Gabbie, could please stop singing that?"
"Gabbie, did you know that Luke Skywalker is Darth Vader's son?"
"Gabbie, did you know that I love Disneyland?"
"Gabbie, could you please just stop singing?"
"Gabbie, have you seen my light saber?"
"Gabbie, did you know that you are not a boy- but that you like boys?"
"Gabbie, did you know that Darth Sidius dies?"
"Gabbie, do you have a favorite Star Wars character now?"
"Gabbie, I have no pants?"
"Gabbie, why did you hide my pants in my drawer?"
"Gabbie, do you know what I'm building? No, you don't know- let me tell you."
"Gabbie, you do not understand my love for Harry Potter."
"Gabbie, do you know what this is for!?!?! No, you don't- let me tell you."
"Gabbie, how many time have you been strangled?"
"Gabbie, does it happen often?"
"Gabbie, can I borrow your flip flops?"
"Gabbie, have you seen my book?"
"Gabbie, do you think you would like to be strangled?"
"Gabbie, how much do you think God likes people be strangled?"
"Gabbie, how come you never want to go to the Emergency Room?"
"Gabbie, did you know that I love you?... and I won't wash your socks."
I like that boy.
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