Saturday, May 28, 2011

A year in review... and pictures

On May 27th 2010 I arrived in Texas for what I like to call "permanent living."  That was a year ago and since a year is a long time I figure it would be a good time to reflect on what has transpired over this past year.  Now when I think "a year ago I was..." it will always involve Texas, or coming back to Texas. 

Let's see, I tried a few jobs that I hated (*cough cough* Walmart *cough cough*), and I tried a few jobs that I really liked but that broke my heart (the day care center).  You never realize how attached you are to small people until you have to walk away. 

I lost a few friends, some because we lost touch and others because they seemed a bit touched.  I gained some new ones and God so help me I am going to hold onto them like a vice grip.  There are some things in this life that are worth fighting for and they've fought for me.  I pulled the most awesome prank ever with a guy who has turned out to be one of my best friends.

I tried Internet dating and the best thing I can say about it is that it was an experience and there are many guys out there who are cowards.  For the most part I've been single, even though for most of the past year I had a few interests.  I gave up hope on someone that I should've let go of a long time ago. 

I tried out for the dream job that I spent a year trying to figure out if I still wanted and if so, why.  I rediscovered my love for children and teaching.  I have forgotten my love for staying up late.  I still have not gotten drunk and I still don't have a tattoo, and before anyone asks, I haven't added any more piercings either.  I've realized that there are some people who should never be trusted to act sanely.  Brides are high up on that list (I say with much affection.)  My best friend got married.  I got my second goddaughter and my first nephew (through my best friend).   I didn't go to the ER for anything, yet (*crosses fingers*).  I founded the CWC... accidentally of course. 

I got a second-best-friend and a whole new group of people to jam with. I did not get over my fear of horses, or that every guy in my life will be angry with me and stop speaking to me.  I have managed to get several jobs, not because of who I know but because of who I am.  I spent a year without my brother Danny physically watching over for me.

I mentioned earlier that I tried out for my dream job.  What I haven't mentioned is that I'm still waiting to hear back.  A year ago I'd be freaking out- and I guess I still am- but now I realize that it's only a job and there are more important things, like celebrating a year of Texan independence and continuing to be who God intended me to be.


  1. As I recall, we actually got to Austin on the 26th and Texas itself on the 25th. :p I'm glad you're happy, though! I can't wait to join you there, although the idea terrifies me too.

  2. :D i'm glad you're here. i haven't had a friend like you in a very long time, and i can't help but think that god might know what he's doing with this. ;)
