Sunday, September 12, 2010

A look into my mind....

So at one point I thought it would be really funny to write a blog post about my random thoughts through out the day. The problem with this is that I am incapable of writing down what I am thinking throughout the course of the day. Therefore... this is the next best thing... what I can remember... and yes, I realize how scant that is. Y'all will have to rough it. This is my day... in thoughts... from when I got up to when I started this blog... with a few minor outtakes.

6.45 am
unnnnhhh... it's still dark out... why am I awake? Oh yeah... Church... and choir... and zzzzz....
6.50 am
dangit. I must get up. I must get dressed. Why didn't I get up earlier? *rush rush rush*
Must get in shower- HELLO IRA! What are you doing... on the floor?... outside my door?... completely asleep? Ah forget it, must get shower so I don't smell like Walmart!
Mmmmm... toothpaste... I love the smell of "not morning breath".
Ah, yeahs, Ira is not asleep there anymore. *rush rush rush*
Why am I always so late Lord? Must get out the door and switch cars and move cars and- HELLO IRA! What are you doing at the top of the stairs? Playing with the cat? Why are you awake, child?
*rush rush rush*
I don't like this car- it's too big. Never volunteering to take anything to the shop EVER again.
*rush rush rush*
Applies makeup in a hurry as I scurry into Church- ten minutes late for choir. Why do I always hit EVERY red light when I'm running late? SORRY GOD!!!!!
Opens door- ah music- crap, every one's staring at me. Good morning, people. Take no notice of the Gabbie lady who isn't really late because it's really all the red lights fault.
We're singing what?
MASS MASS MASS! I love Mass. Why don't I go to Mass more often? Oh yeah, because I like smalls too. And work- no, I don't. I hate work, but that's besides the point. I love my dress. I like wearing dresses..... and tall shoes. I like tall shoes. I don't feel so dang short without them.
Why is it that Catholics always choose the songs that sound like lullabies for the earliest Mass possible on Sundays? As if I wasn't having ENOUGH trouble staying awake- now the entire choir is singing a song that sounds remarkably like something my Mother used to sing me to sleep with. NARGH!!!!! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Must. Get. Coffee.
Ah Jesus, there You are. I was wondering where you had gotten too. I love You, Lord. I've missed you. Why can't I spend all my time here? Because I have enough trouble holding still for an HOUR!
Ah- the end of Mass. Why didn't I go to practice this week? I'd sound so much better. Then again I wouldn't have had to babysit either. Oh wait, I like babysitting. Nevermind.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. I need more sleep. Then again, with mornings like this, who needs sleep?
Hiya Mr. Lewis- breakfast? Breakfast. What is this strange concept. Let me think about it... Yes, let's get breakfast... I like breakfast. Mmmmm... breakfast. I should get breakfast more often. Mmmm... coffee. Blech... restaurant coffe is bad coffee. Bad coffee, bad. You should be good coffee. Good coffee. O_O Food. I likes food. I likes food a lot. I should eat more food. I should remember to eat more food.
AGH! Look at the time! I gotta go! Gabbie's gonna be a pumpkin. Gabbie's gonna be a pumpkin. Nargh.
Wait- I don't have time to take the suburban to the mechanic- fudgemonkeys- you NEED the car this morning. *rushes home- "hi kiddos"- rushes to work- in under a half hour* MADE IT!!!!! YEAH ME!!!
I love my car- iz so smooth to drive... and comfortable... and cute.
Dangit- still in Church clothes. What would happen if I walked in wearing this dress and these shoes? None of the guys would get anything done, that's what. And I don't want to mop up drool. ;) JK.
Must hurry, must hurry, must hurry before boss Jose` sees- fudgemonkeys. Ima comin, Ima comin. Dangit.
I'm HERE! What'd I miss? Oh good, nothing exciting.
Mind sucking loop of trying to sell phones, replace phones, exchange phones.
Good-bye my fair Lotus. I love that phone. It is bittersweet as that was the cutest phone ever.
Oh nice lady who took my favorite Lotus, why are you back? Dangit- why aren't you working evil Lotus?
Oh nice tech support Chad from Oklahoma- Spooner, not Oiler. Wouldn't it make more sense to be an Oklahoma Oiler than an Oklahoma Spooner? Dangit- get. mind. out. of. gutter.
Ahhhh... you asked me how I'm doing today? That's so sweet- none of the tech support people EVER ask me how I'm actually doing.... wait- I'm doing not so hot- it's one of those mornings... and I'm late... for... (wait for it)... EVERYTHING!!! *lies through teeth because you seem nice and I don't want to explain* "I'm doing just fine."
Thank you happy people who are nice to me and don't treat me like crap why I deal with technical problems with the phone that you are attempting to purchase. Why does Blackberry require an evil data plan? And why isn't it showing up as a "DATA" plan? Evil. Evil. Vile. Evil.
Ahhhh break time.
Dear Basil and Dorian, although intriguing characters, and I say this with the most affection I can muster, I think you should ignore Henry. He's a poo face.
Go away, boys.
Ah, work, work, work. Why does my station always end up messy when I'm on break? PUT AWAY YOUR OWN DARN BOXES!!!!! Who stole my stapler?
In my blog, I'm gonna have a great comeback for that snarky thing you said, Jose`. I'm gonna say, "I'm not a kissup- if I were a kissup I'd say you were genuinely handsome and a nice guy and everyone knows THAT'S not true."
Here stapler, stapler, stapler.
Where is that darn stapler?
Ooh- paper clip!
Hmmmm... no friends at work today... mind bogglingly boring vending machine donuts that I gave the remaining ones from yesterday to Rebecca this morning. Let's go grab some lunch, get far away from people at work, and then read more about Dorian.
Pfft... what a pansy fop.
Ooh- food! I like food. Food is good.
*Drives back to work* Okay, now food and Dorian. DANGIT! They didn't give me a fork!
*Contemplates driving back to restaurant and screaming*
*Contemplates going to break room after buying set of cutlery*
*Decides it's not worth it and sits in car with yummy smelling food and Dorian*
I'm gonna park under a tree because there will be lots of shade and it will feel good later.
Yum, yum, yum.
Yeahs! Man on the moon is alive!
Work, work, work.
Found my stapler. CONQUERING HERO THEME MUSIC!!!!!
Hello nice man- yes, I'd love to help you find the thing you are looking for that happens to be right behind you. Yes, I'd love to discuss with you for a half hour what it is that your grown son might need in a phone? Yes, the blue one will do nicely... yes, I'm saying that just because I like the color. HELLO grown son. Personal space bubble. Personal space bubble. That's my mantra- and you're wearing it out. Ahhhhh... aspbergers. It all makes sense now. The blue one will do nicely.
Break is great. It's the best part of the day. It's the time I spend away from the counter. It's break, break, break.
Ah Dorian... so young... so naive... so... effeminate. Wilde was a strange man. A very strange man. YEAH BASIL!!!!
Go away, boys.
Ahhhh work. Just one more hour. Then I get to go home. I get to go home. Me and Dorian... maybe we'll invite Basil... but we are so excluding Henry.
Cleaning up- sets off Iphone alarm. Again. Everythings' put away- still forty minutes to go.
Lights go "flashy flashy sputter boom" and all the power in the building is out. Someone screams. A few children start crying. Dangit.
What's that smell? Emergency laps have dust. Dust burns. Creates smokey haze.
I'm fifteen again. And being evacuated. Because the entire mountain range is on fire.
I'm okay. I'm okay. You're okay. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in- bossman give me something to do because I CANNOT do this standing around doing nothing bit anymore.
Ah, taping plastic over all the refrigerators. Fun.
I need tape. I need tape. Just break off a long piece- it will go quicker. Give me a long piece. Come OoOoOn... you're too slow.
That's not what I meant.
Want some tape, guys. I've got it all over me now.
Dangit- I'm supposed to be off. MANAGER!!!! I wanna go home.
Ah that was relatively simple. Do I go home or do I go to a bar? Still freaked out. People are driving crazy- I'm going home.
Why did I park under a tree? I have bird dung on my car now.
I like Benny's coloring.
*half way home* NOOOOO!!!! I left Dorian at work.
Home... home at last... home where people love me.
Okay I'm being quiet.
O_O chocolate ice cream is a good substitute for dinner, right? And it's not even booze.
There is room for personal growth.
Okay, ya know, this would be a good time to write a blog.
G'night lovely people.
nnnnn... where does all the time in the day go? I should sleep more.
I wanna watch a Christmas movie... in September... it's not too early, right?

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