One of those things that nobody tells you prior to having a baby is that if you choose to breastfeed you have a lot of time on your hands in which you can do almost nothing because your hands are full. There's only so much Facebook a person's sanity can handle, only so much television a person can tolerate, and only so much online shopping a budget will allow. Therefore I have returned to a favorite hobby of my childhood... Reading.
I recently discovered that my library allows me to download books temporarily to my phone and I've read about a dozen since I realized this. An added bonus that I need a finger free to operate it.
What have I been reading? A little of this, a little of that. Some history, some fantasy, some historical fiction. Best books: Jerrod Packard's Victoria's Daughters, Debbie Macomber's Inn at Rose Harbor series, Georgette Heyer's The Incredible Sophie, and Jim butcher's Changes. You'll forgive my typos here; I'm still typing with I one finger. Worst books: Marissa Meyer's Heartless and The Regency Rakes, which is nothing like Georgette Heyer's books no matter what suggestions the website suggests. It takes a lot to make my list of bad books... and remember it.