Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sunshine in a Bottle

The more I live in Texas the more I am amused by the fact that people don't know where I come from.  Several times a week (and frequently multiple times a day) I pull out my most recent family photo that sits on my desk at work, and show it to complete strangers to illustrate the fact that I am who my name tag claims me to be, one of many of my children's offspring, half of my Mexican Father and half of my German Mother, and completely myself in every breath I take.  Every day is an adventure at my new job and for the most part I love it. I answer the phone with the line, "Good morning, how may I improve your day?" and I can always tell when people are listening because I can hear them smile.  A few times people have told me how I actually make their day better, and those are always my favorites. 

I scared one of my priests because he saw me at Church and tried to prod me into introducing myself as a new parishioner at a parish that I have been frequenting for just over a year.  When I told him this he asked why he had never seen me.  I was at a loss for words.  I guess I just fly under the radar now. 

Not infrequently I tell my favoritest boss about my life before.  Before I moved to Texas.  Before I was in college.  Before when if people knew me at all, they knew me as one of many. She usually laughs and tells me that I am hilarious and that all my supposed worries of people not liking me are entirely unfounded because everybody likes me. I laughed again.  Imagine, me, the quietest of my mother and father's children, being the social butterfly.  Without thinking I said, "If you think I make friends wherever I go,  you should meet my Mother!"  She smiled and asked me to tell her about the woman who made me and though I still exuded happiness, I was sad.

My Mother makes friends wherever she goes.  My Mother tries to make everyone smile.  My Mother will spend hours talking to complete strangers, listening attentively, and talking excitedly in turn, about topics ranging from politics, to homeschooling (not much of a jump), to music, to religion, but everything she does she does with love.  And when you see that love you know she is thinking of us.  
My Mother doesn't recognize cloudy days, and always finds the silver lining.  My Mother rarely has bad days, can always make the best of a bad situation, and is always surprising my Father with her hair brained schemes.  "Gerardo, let's drive to Utah tomorrow! Come on, it will be FUN!" My Mother can turn a day around, make frowns turn upside down, and even when she is driving me crazy it obvious and apparent that what she does, she does in love.  
My Mother is sunshine in a bottle.  I wish that I could bottle her up, and take her with me when I'm feeling down.  I love that when people see me, they see just a bit of her as well.  And that way, even when a million miles separate us, I know that she's not alone, and I'm not alone, and we'll never really be apart. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Life is tough; it's tougher if you're stupid" and other thoughts that are going through my head today because I miss my family

"Life is tough; it's tougher if you're stupid." -John Wayne

Ash Wednesday meals should be penitential, not inedible." -Tia

*At dinner we go around the table asking three questions- "What was your blessing today?" "How did you bless someone else?" and "Did you have a challenge today?" The idea is that you ask the person to your right all the questions (with pauses for answers in between) and then they in turn ask the person to their right, thus going around the entire table.*
"Papa, can I have some more sour cream." -Atilla
"Ask Gabbie your question." -Tio
"Gabbie, can I have some more sour cream." -Atilla

"Gabbie, the train can't go through." -Napoleon
"That's because it's a submarine and submarine's don't go on land." -me
"Gabbie the boat cannot go through." -Napoleon
"That's because it is a submarine and submarine's don't go on land." -me
"Gabbie it won't go on land!" -Napoleon
"That's because it's a boat and it doesn't go on land."-me
"You said it was a submarine." -Napoleon

Attila upon finding a suspect looking thing upon her leg immediately picks it up and puts it in her mound as I scream in protest. "It's okay- it's part of my plum."  I realized she had stopped eating the plum a bit ago but was wondering how long it had been on her leg and was about to ask her as much when she ate it while I squawked.  Tio looked at me and said, "What did you think she was going to do?"

The General's speech therapist is expecting a baby and she just told him that she is expecting a boy.  I was teasing the General that he should recommend his first name to her for her baby.
He sighed and rolled his eyes and said, "Gabbie, I think she should name her baby Luke Skywalker... or Harry Potter."  I knew I liked that kid.

During a conversation on cultures and the foods that come from them.
"What food do they eat in Iceland?" -Napoleon
"Ice Cream!!!!" -The General
"How come Australia doesn't have any special foods?" -The Captain
"Cause haggus doesn't travel well." -Gabbie

"Gabbie, do you know what I found today? Oocha!" -Napoleon, over the phone (Napoleon fell in love with a giant green grasshopper in our front yard a few months ago.  She routinely catches him and carries him around on her head and enjoys this.  A few weeks ago he disappeared.)  
"That's wonderful, baby; he moved to California." -me
"Guess what he did when I tried to get him off my hand?" -Napoleon
"He jumped off?" -me
"No, he jumped on Nana's dog's head!" -Napoleon

This morning Attila summarized the life of Augustus Caesar as follows.
"First he was a citizen, then he was first citizen, then he was a prince, then a king, and then he was dead." 
I don't know what she is learning in that history lesson but you must admit that she is succinct and accurate. 

Before going to Carlsbad Caverns the five smalls were discussing excitedly what they were going to see in the cave.  I resisted the urge to tell them that we should look out for Batman and the Batmobile.   Fortunately they thought of this on their own.

Iri rescues Tio from the cricket.
Iri rescues a grasshopper from the lawnmower.
Iri rescues an anolli from the house.
Iri keeps a geckos tail, a cicada wing, and a cicada exoskeleton.
Iri's favorite Christmas present is a box full of live ladybugs.
 I love my goddaughter.

"Do or do not: there is no try." -Queen Victoria to her siblings, quoting Yoda.

Great ideas that I thought up


This is the usual response to most of my stories of things I did in California.  I don't know if I am any more wild in California than I am in Texas or I was in Florida but for some reason everyone is surprised.  Really, could you blame them?  I do tell some pretty outlandish stories, but are they all true?  My Father likes to say that the women in my family never let a little thing like truth get in the way of a good story.  I'd say he's embellishing this ideology a little, but only a very little.  In this post I will write on several things I may or may not have done (or said) in California (or on the road to Roswell) in the last three weeks, but I won't tell you if they actually happened or not.  That may not be fair but whoever said life was fair?  Maybe a carnival master.  

Upon arriving in California (via a 747) I procured some black face makeup, black clothing, and a red lightsaber.  I left the terminal with a look that would have sent grown men crying and upon making my way to baggage claim found my next younger brother waiting for me.  In my best Darth Vader voice I extended my lightsaber and said in my best Sith lord voice, "So, we meet again- for the first time, for the last time."   

While in Roswell Sir went to buy a pack of beer.  It's not so unusual.  If he's anywhere for any amount of time he does.  What was unusual was that he was dying of laughter so loud that I could hear him across the store.  Okay, I'll ask.  "I just got carded," he snickered when I inquired as to the reason for his joyous laughter.  What was even more enjoyable was that I had purchased alcohol (and significantly more) last year when we were there and hadn't gotten carded.  77 vs 22.  I win. 

Since last August my grandmother, great aunt, and a friend of theirs, have been trying to set me up.  They are sweet and I like them but I generally don't approve of being "set up." Upon meeting him I pulled him aside and said in a hushed tone, "Wanna make a couple old ladies talk forever!?"  I don't know what I had planned to do next but it would have been fun to say and even more enjoyable to watch his response. 

A good friend asked my friend Koshka (who accompanied me for part of my trip in California) "Are you two together together?"  (Remember this is California.)  Koshka and I both laughed and I told him, "Yes, but not like you are imagining.  Koshka's taken... by a guy."  

A friend asked me why I was heading to Roswell after California.  I told him in my sweetest voice that I was, "Hitching a ride home."  

At my brothers graduation party I tried my best to be sociable.  It didn't work.  I don't know why but people didn't seem to want to talk to me or my friend, Koshka. 

 Strange Creatures

I seriously considered telling someone from Texas to call me singing the lyrics of the Black Eyed Peas "Ohio: Come Back to Texas."  Then I could sing, "California, here I come."  

I went with my grandparents to purchase their new vehicle.  It was lots of fun (I should have brought popcorn) because those two were bickering like an old married couple.  They always do that when they are together, but really I think they reserve it for when there is an audience.  The saleswoman turned to me and was telling me how cute they were and I smiled politely.  She then asked sir, "How long have you two been married?"  With missing a beat Pop answered, "Two weeks."  Nana shook her head with a sigh and added, "No dear, it's been longer than that- more like three."  I was dying. 

When taking a picture with a couple of friends one of them said, "Robert has to be in the center- he's the rose among the thorns." I then informed the group that we were a "thorn in his side."

As I was coming down the stairs for Mass my Mother looked at me and said, "You look very wholesome."  I deadpanned at her and said, "Dang it, I was hoping to look like trouble."

I should not...

One might think that since I have survived to the age of 24 I should know better than to do the following.
1.) I should not attempt to climb the stairs while balancing a thick, hard bound copy of Bram Stoker's Dracula while carrying a large cup of Lemonade and using my cellphone as a flashlight because it is dark.
2.) I should not tell my just introduced dance partner, who is still learning basic swing steps, that my brothers won't kill him, even if he breaks my toes trying this.
3.) I should not laugh out loud when people ask me if I am "Catholic or something?" In case my name, family, university, high school, and church didn't give it away... Also, I should not respond with, "or something."
4.) I should not tell people my full name.  It's long.  They won't remember it anyways.  
5.) I should not say the first thing that comes to mind when meeting attractive men with unusual names, in particular when I think of geeky things like "Sam as in "Samwise?" or "Ken" as in Barbie?"
6.) I should not assume that young looking guys are students when I am in downtown Austin near the university, because chances are they aren't.
7.) I should not be offended when people do not remember me the fifth time that I've introduced myself.  
8.) I should not try to remove the mop head of a steam mop when it is making a hissing sound.   
9.) I should not start conversations without coffee.
10.) I should really avoid wearing new shoes out clubbing... particularly when I'm still breaking them in.  
11.) I shouldn't laugh when people tell me that I'm good at something, nor should I scoff.  I should also not be offended when they tell me that I need practice.  
12.) I should not pick fights with my cat.  He always gets even. 
13.) I shouldn't let people dig themselves in deeper when they make racial slurs around me.  I should not remain silent either.  
14.) I should not wait for the last chance mass.  
15.) I should not leave my alarm clock in places that I cannot find in the dark.
16.) I should not watch scary movies when I'm home alone.
17.) I should write things down because we all know that I will forget them otherwise.  
18.) I should talk to the people... even when I'm afraid, even when I'm shy, and even when I'm alone.  
19.) I should burn the candle once in a while.
20.) When I leave the house I should turn off the loud radio. 
21.) I should eat before I black out.  
22.) I should close the door before Jim gets in the room when I'm sleeping.
23.) I should not compose sad songs because people think I'm sad.  
24.) I should leave the past in the past.  
All these things I should do... but chances are that I won't.