1.) Alarm clocks that work.
2.) Forgetting to set it.
3.) Beautiful children who did not scream at me this particular morning.
4.) Not having zombie dreams.
5.) Warm blankets.
6.) Listening to history lessons instead of teaching them.
7.) Bird songs of the Cardinal, Blue jay, and Bluebird.
8.) Someone else's productive insomnia.

10.) Wearing black without Sasha seeing it.
11.) My beautiful goddaughters.
12.) Kleenex boxes placed appropriately everywhere throughout the house.
13.) Allergy medications. That work.
14.) Coffee that I can't taste.
15.) Remembering my Lenten abstinence and keeping it up without reminder.
16.) Not ruining the split peas by setting them to soak.
17.) Cold midwinter mornings that very while show rain.
18.) Snugly baby girls.
19.) Not being the reigning adult in the house.
20.) Not going to the Emergency Room. For two months.
21.) Snugly godchildren.
22.) Not having any emergency scheduled babysitting jobs for the past several weeks.
23.) The Giant coming to visit.
24.) Happy coincidences in a (*very*) small Catholic world.
25.) Impending visits from out of state family.
26.) The eternal gratitude of a little boy for my aid in his menial task.
27.) Surprise feast days.
28.) Keeping busy.
29.) Being able to laugh at my ruinous best laid plans.
30.) Listening to Saint stories.
31.) Brightly colored markers.
32.) Little girls' little toes with unavoidably bright colors.
33.) Special surprises for my youngest goddaughter.
34.) Deplorable cat.
35.) Being able to help 10... which is a rarity.
36.) New jeans.
37.) Being loved.
38.) The laughter of children.
39.) Thinking about baby gifts.
40.) Finishing part of Six's scarf... only two months late.
41.) Teaching myself to croquet roses.
42.) Six listening the first time.
43.) Learning from my mistakes.
44.) Unsolicited voluntary hugs.
45.) Crazy random happenstances.
46.) Not actually being crazy.
47.) Not actually living with six teenage boys.
48.) Peace of mind.
49.) Hope concerning the future.
50.) Old friends that remember to call.
51.) New friends that don't seem to mind my oddities.
52.) Godmothers.
53.) Being loved so much that people fight over me.
54.) Loving someone so much that you miss them when the are gone.
55.) Being loved so much that people miss you when you are gone.
56.) Knowing when to give up and walk away.
57.) Not living with regret.
58.) Amazing hair days.
59.) Being short.
60.) Humility.
61.) My awesome car that doesn't look anything like an old time taxi.
62.) Not having to watch the Richard Scary videos with Four and Six.
63.) Time to think.
64.) A lack of suicidal squirrels.
65.) Hugs from Ten.
66.) Permanent markers.
67.) Eight's perseverance.
68.) Not being sick.
69.) A joyful singing voice.
70.) Noise canceling headphones.
71.) A blessed escape.
72.) Clean laundry smells.
73.) Not killing the cat.
74.) Figuring out how to spell Latin words in l33t.
75.) Flowers on the trees that foretell spring.
76.) A funny Boston accent that makes Four laugh.
77.) Well behaved car seats that I installed myself
78.) An un-whiney Six to accompany me to the store.
79.) Store employees who thought she was cute and not clumsy.
80.) No one seeing my goddaughter drop the loaves of bread.
81.) Noticing when she left my purse behind.
82.) The polite, unprompted asking of a free sample.
83.) Happy people.
84.) Kindly gentlemen who didn't step on mine or Six's toes.
85.) Getting home in record time.
86.) Funny pink flamingos to make me laugh- cause this is Texas.
87.) Not getting hit by the red car which I didn't see.
88.) Polite children.
89.) Not dropping ten cans of "frijoles negro refrijitos"
90.) Not being yelled out by Eight.
91.) Stealing the last of the lime rice.
92.) My own green cup, unsullied by morning cups of coffee.
93.) Understandable classical music while on hold.
94.) Kindly telephone operators.
95.) Not being on hold forever and a day.
96.) Yummy, albeit hastily prepared lunch.
97.) Questions about storybook characters that I can answer.
98.) Not screwing up.
99.) People wanting my attention
100.) Being loved.